Fish Quality Determination (QIM)

What is Quality Index Method QIM (QIM) ?

Quality Index Method QIM is an accurate and objective method for the determination of fish freshness. It is a promising method in assessing the freshness of fish in a rapid and reliable way. It is expected to become the leading reference method for the assessment of fresh fish within the European community in the future. As the QIM method has been developed and proved to be a quality assessment method that is more finely tuned than other grading methods used today, it is considered a valuable tool that may replace other methods. Further, it is being developed for more and more specific fish species, increasing its power as an overall assessment method. The QIM-Eurofish Alliance

The determination of the exact QIM calibration scale must be worked out with extreme precision and must be properly validated. A quality assurance must thus be observed for the QIM method as such. For this reason the directors of the Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research, The Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Department of Seafood Research and the Icelandic Fisheries laboratories have decided to establish a strategic alliance called QIM Eurofish.The mission is to promote and implement the use of QIM as a versatile quality tool within fisheries distribution or production chains in Europe.Fast, more accurate than previously possible. The key benefit of QIM is that the method provides the user (producers, buyers, sellers and retailers) with a reliable and standardized freshness measure of a product. The potential of a computerised QIM system, linked with the latest telecom technologies, creates possibilities far beyond those of traditional paper documentation. more...


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